Monday, May 4, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty

Brooklyn has now started potty training herself pretty much. It started late last week she would start ripping off her diaper and sitting on the potty so I started just putting her in her underwear and now she just goes without us every realizing it. We are so proud of her. She is such a big girl, and she speaks so well now too, it is so amazing.


Dustin and Kellie said...

So let me tell you.. If you could see my face right now you would see whata jealous looks like! I just looked over and realized that Brooklyn is not even 2! WOW! Ethan finally got going potty 1/2 way through his 3rd year! Maren is 2 1/2 and while she LOVES the potty (sometimes too much- flushable wet wipes aren't flushable when you put 1/2 inch thick amounts in..) she has yet to actually GO potty.. Go Brooklyn! That is wonderful!

Devin & Kailie said...

Congrats!! I love the censorship! lol